
      Dept.of English
District Institute of Education & Training, Jalna यांच्या सौजन्याने 


Day -1             

*Thought for the day*
"Never say, 'I can't,
always say, I will try."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸 Aid* – a person or thing that helps you. 

✒️Sentence – We aided him with money.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Timid* - easily shy or nervous . 

✒️Sentence - Kiran is a timid girl.


Day -2 Date

*Thought for the day*
"If you can't do great things, do small things in great ways."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Mild* - not very strong.

✒️Sentence - Ganesh is suffering from mild cold.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Locate* - discover the exact place.

✒️Sentence – I locate my town on the map.


              *📙VOCABULARY BOOSTER📙*
Day -3 Date 

*Thought for the day*
"Winners are not those who never fail, but those who never quit."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Hale* - Healthy and strong.

✒️Sentence - He is still Hale at 75.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Loyal* - dedicated or devoted

✒️Sentence – Raju has very loyal in his every work. 

Day - 4 
*Thought for the day*
"Be a game changer, because the world is full of players."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Ample*- enough or more than enough or plentiful.

*✒️ Sentence*-They had ample money for the trip.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Attain*- To achieve or get something.

✒️Sentence – Everyone can attain success with determination and hard work.


Day - 5 Date 

*Thought for the day*
"Everyday is another chance to change your life."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Puffy*- looking swollen.

*✒️ Sentence*- Her eyes were puffy due to crying.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Diligent*-industrious, hard-working.

✒️Sentence – They made diligent efforts to carry out their programs.


Day - 6 

*Thought for the day*
"If you fail, it doesn't matter. Try again and again and do it better."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Sleek*- Smooth and glossy

*✒️ Sentence*- She wore a sleek little black dress.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Reliable*- something or someone that you can trust.

✒️Sentence – He is a very reliable person.



Day - 7 

*Thought for the day*
"Start your day with happiness and gratitude."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Sob*- To cry noisily by taking in deep breaths.

*✒️ Sentence*- She began to sob, more bitterly than before.  

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Zestful*- full of energy and enthusiasm.

*✒️Sentence* – His zestful performance made the film very successful. 


Day - 9 

*Thought for the day*
"Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Fatal*- causing death, deadly.

*✒️ Sentence*- This illness was fatal in almost all cases.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Fabulous*- very good, excellent.

*✒️Sentence* –Arjuna was a fabulous archer.

Day - 8 

*Thought for the day*
"The world you live in, is created by your mind."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Adorn*- to decorate or add beauty.

*✒️ Sentence*- She loves to adorn herself with flowers.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Revert*- Return to the original state.

*✒️Sentence* – He was reverted to his old habits.

Day - 10 
*Thought for the day*
"If you stay positive in a negative situation, you win."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸agony*- great pain, great worry or great sadness.

*✒️ Sentence*- His last agony was over.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Candid*- truthful and straight forward.

*✒️Sentence* –His candid responses during the interview, got him the job.
Day - 11 

*Thought for the dah hey*
"You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Agile*- able to make quickly and easily.

*✒️ Sentence*- Virat is an agile cricket player.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Ractify*- to correct something that is wrong.

*✒️Sentence* –He has still time to ractify his mistakes.


Day - 12 

*Thought for the day*
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Gaze*- to look steadily for a long time.

*✒️ Sentence*- Tom and Mary gazed at each other.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Umpteen*- many, a lot of, numerous.

*✒️Sentence* – He has produced umpteen books, plays and television series. 
Day - 13 

*Thought for the day*
"There is nothing more valuable than time."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Elated*- very happy and excited.

*✒️ Sentence*- Kumar was greatly elated by success.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Hastily*- doing things quickly and without careful planning.

*✒️Sentence* – He hastily stuffed a few cloths into a bag.

Day - 14 

*Thought for the day*
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Blare*- to make a loud, unpleasant noise.

*✒️ Sentence*- He walks away while sirens blare loudly.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Crumble*- to break or make something break into very small pieces.

*✒️Sentence* – Bones so old they had crumbled to dust. OR
The ceiling began to crumble.

              *📙VOCABULARY BOOSTER📙*
Day - 15 

*Thought for the day*
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Trot*- run at a moderate pace with short steps.

*✒️ Sentence*- Ravi saw a horse trotting in the open space.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*Virtuous*- good and noble, having or showing high moral standards.

*✒️Sentence* – She was a virtuous woman who dedicated her life in helping others.


Day - 16 
*Thought for the day*
"Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Sway*- to move slowly from side to side.

*✒️ Sentence*- The trees were swaying in the wind.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*Apparent*- easy to see or understand.

*✒️Sentence* – from the beginning, it was apparent that he was not an ordinary child.

Day - 17 

*Thought for the day*
"A positive mindset brings positive things."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Nipped*- to bite or pinch someone or something lightly.

*✒️ Sentence*- She nipped her hand playfully.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Eradicate*- to destroy or get rid of something completely.

*✒️Sentence* – Their goal was to eradicate the disease.

Day - 18 
*Thought for the day*
"Take your steps back, not to quiet but to hit harder than before."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Avoid*- stay away from someone/something.

*✒️ Sentence*- He always avoid untruths. OR
He took a detour to avoid the heavy traffic.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*Scrumptious*- extremely tasty or delicious. 

*✒️Sentence* – She prepared a scrumptious cake for her mom's birthday.
Day - 19 

*Thought for the day*
"Knowledge is power but learning is super power."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸limp*- to walk with difficulty because your foot or leg is hurt.

*✒️ Sentence*- He walks with a limp. 

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Lethargic*- the feeling of being very tired and not having any energy.

*✒️Sentence* – He had stopped eating and had become extremely lethargic ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

Day - 20 

*Thought for the day*
"A little progress each day ends with a big results."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Avert*- turn away, avoid, prevent.

*✒️ Sentence*- They labelled the parcels to avert confusion.  

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Sluggish*- work slowly or lazily.

*✒️Sentence* – A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.


Day - 21 
*Thought for the day*
"Education is the key that unlocks all doors."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Lively*- active and full of energy.

*✒️ Sentence*- Small children are very playful and lively.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Aptitude*- a natural ability or skill.

*✒️ Sentence* – I have little aptitude for sports.

Day - 22 

*Thought for the day*
"Your direction is more important than your speed."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Elegant*- graceful, stylish.

*✒️ Sentence*- He looked elegant in a gray suit.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹Indelible*- not able to be forgotten.

*✒️ Sentence* – Ansar spent indelible time for his study.


Day - 25 

*Thought for the day*
"Take your steps back not to quiet but to hit harder than before."

*Classes (3 - 5)*
*🔸Ignite*- make something start to burn, start a fight or argument.

*✒️ Sentence*- Ignited minds always motivate the youth power.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹 Perpetual*- continuing for ever in the same way.

*✒️ Sentence* – He was irritated by their perpetual complaints.

Day - 26 

*Thought for the day*
"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Subside*- to become quiet, less active or less violent.
*✒️ Sentence*- The pain will subside in a couple of hours.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹 Didactic*- designed to teach people something, especially a moral lesson.

*✒️ Sentence* – His way of teaching literature is too didactic.


Day - 27 

*Thought for the day*
"Do what is right, not what is easy."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Portray*- to show or describe in a particular way.
*✒️ Sentence*- Don't portray yourself as something you are not.

*Classes (6 - 10)*
*🔹 Impeccable*- flawless or faultless.

*✒️ Sentence* – He dressed well and had impeccable manners.


Day - 29 

*Thought for the day*
"Your dreams are your life's purpose, don't give up."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Dusk*- the time of day immediately following sunset.

*✒️ Sentence*- We arrived home at dusk.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Retrieve*- to find and bring back something. 

*✒️ Sentence* –She bent down to retrieve her earring.


Day - 30 
*Thought for the day*
"One kind word can change someone's entire day."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Ease*-the state of being comfortable or relaxed.

*✒️ Sentence*- The old couple lived a life of ease.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Pivotal*-crucial importance in the development of success of something else.

*✒️ Sentence* –He will be one of the pivotal players in the championship.

Day - 31 
*Thought for the day*
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Reveal*- make visible.

*✒️ Sentence*- he would not reveal the secret.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Agelast*- a person who never laughs.

*✒️ Sentence* –It is very difficult to adjust with an agelast person.

Day - 32 

*Thought for the day*
"Be positive, patient and persistent and you will be successful."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Doze*- to sleep lightly or to sleep for a short time.

*✒️ Sentence*- He was dozing in front of the television.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Illegible*- not clear enough to be read.

*✒️ Sentence* –It is difficult to understand illegible piece of writing.     


Day - 33 Date:- 

*Thought for the day*
"Everyday must be the day to learn something new."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔸Blend*-mix together different elements

*✒️ Sentence*- He makes up his own blends of flour.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Obsolete*- no longer used or needed, usually because something newer and better has replaced it.

*✒️ Sentence* –This process is now almost obsolete.

Day - 34 

*Thought for the day*
"Teaches can change life with right mix of chalk & challenges."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔹Eager*- having or showing keen interest or intense desire

*✒️ Sentence*- He always eager to go to the school.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔹Cordial*- politely warm and friendly

*✒️ Sentence* –My meeting with him was interesting and our discussion cordial.

Day - 35 

*Thought for the day*
"The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection."

*Classes (3 - 5)*

*🔹 Reduce*- to smaller in size, amount, number etc.

*✒️ Sentence*- The medicine reduces the risk of infection.

*Classes (6 - 10)*

*🔸Resilience*- the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

*✒️ Sentence* –The rescue workers showed remarkable resilience in dealing with the difficult situations.


Day - 36 
*Thought for the day*
"Words may lie, but actions always tells the truth.

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Shallow*- lacking in depth.

*✒️Sentence*-Put the milk in a shallow dish.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸caroling*- sing or say something happily or to sing in a loud, joyous manner

*✒️ Sentence* –One of the best holiday tradition is Christmas caroling.


Day - 37 
*Thought for the day*
"A man is great by his deeds, not by his birth."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Faulty*- having a defect

*✒️Sentence*-.This policy is faulty on two counts.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸Portmanteau*- a large travelling bag made up of stiff leather.

*✒️ Sentence* – I would always prefer portmanteau for long distance travel.

Day - 38 
*Thought for the day*
"Always spend your valuable time with yourself."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Upbeat*- full of hope and happiness.

*✒️Sentence*- I like story with an upbeat ending.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸Abundant*- something that there is plenty of or that exists in great amounts.

*✒️ Sentence* – The park has an abundance of wildlife.           

Day - 40 
*Thought for the day*
"Every accomplishment starts with the dicision to try."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Act*- behave in a certain manner.

*✒️Sentence*- It is better to act than to talk.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Bannock*- a flat bread cake.

*✒️ Sentence* – He ordered bannock last night for the party.          

Day - 41 
*Thought for the day*
"If you want to achieve something in life then change your way not your intentions."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Confess*-admit to a wrongdoing.

*✒️Sentence*- I confess I do not want to.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Valiant*- having or showing heroism or courage

*✒️ Sentence* – Only a valiant warrior can stand a chance to save the kingdom.

Day - 42. 

*Thought for the day*
"All power is within you, you can do anything and everything."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Leap*- to spring or jump in the air.

*✒️Sentence*- The cat suddenly leaped into the air.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Tolerable*- capable of being borne or endured

*✒️ Sentence* – These foods should be kept to a tolerable level.

Day - 42. 

*Thought for the day*
"All power is within you, you can do anything and everything."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Leap*- to spring or jump in the air.

*✒️Sentence*- The cat suddenly leaped into the air.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Tolerable*- capable of being borne or endured

*✒️ Sentence* – These foods should be kept to a tolerable level.


Day - 43 
*Thought for the day*
"Help people even when you know they can't help back."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Resist*- withstand the force of something.

*✒️Sentence*- No other woman has been able to resist her.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Venture*-an undertaking with an uncertain outcome

*✒️ Sentence* – He has no venture in the present.


Day - 44 

*Thought for the day*
"Dreams, is not what you see in sleep, is the thing which never let's you sleep."-Dr.A.P.J.Kalam

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Frail*-physically weak, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed.

*✒️Sentence*- He is always in frail health

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Eruption*-the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge

*✒️ Sentence* – The volcano erupted with tremendous force.

Day - 45  

*Thought for the day*
"A problem is a chance 
for you to do your best."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Glide*-move smoothly and effortlessly

*✒️Sentence*- The swans glided over the surface of the lake.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Contrary*-exact opposition

*✒️ Sentence* – We don't see sound arguments to the contrary.

Day - 47  
*Thought for the day*
"Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Diverge*- move or draw apart

*✒️Sentence*- A prism causes rays of light to diverge.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Captivated*-filled with wonder and delight

*✒️ Sentence* – She says he's captivated by her writing.

Day - 48 

*Thought for the day*
"Never wait for tomorrow if you can do today."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Arid*-lacking sufficient water or rainfall.

*✒️Sentence*- Our land is arid and very little grows.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Accumulate*-get or gather together.

*✒️ Sentence* – They were unable to accumulate enough evidence to make a well-written claim.
Day - 49 

*Thought for the day*
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Coward*- person who shows fear or timidity

*✒️Sentence*- He is a coward by his own admission.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Isolation*-the act of setting something apart from others

*✒️ Sentence* – It is impossible to carry the process of isolation very far.              
Day - 50 

*Thought for the day*
"It is very easy to defeat someone but it is very hard to win some one."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Elude*-escape, either physically or mentally

*✒️Sentence*- The killer was able to elude the police.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Formulate*-prepare according to instructions

*✒️ Sentence* – Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.

Day - 51 

*Thought for the day*
"If you are focus on result you never change. If you are focus on change you will see the result."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Erupt*-start suddenly

*✒️Sentence*- Scientists say the volcano could erupt again soon.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸Hazardous*-involving risk or danger

*✒️ Sentence* – These are hazardous chemicals that can cause death if inhaled.

Day - 52 

*Thought for the day*
"Your best teacher is your last mistake.”

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Concoct*-make something by mixing

*✒️Sentence*- The drink was concocted by him.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Ferocious*-marked by extreme and violent energy

*✒️ Sentence* – A ferocious wind swept the beach.


Day - 53 
*Thought for the day*
"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Instant*-a very short time

*✒️Sentence*- .The movie was an instant hit.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Abnormal*-not typical or usual or regular

*✒️ Sentence* – They thought his behaviour was abnormal.

Day - 54 

*Thought for the day*
"Mistakes are the part of life, but only few people have the courage to admit them.”

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Acrid*-strong and sharp, as a taste or smell

*✒️Sentence*- The chemical has an acrid smell.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Bewilder*-cause to be confused emotionally

*✒️ Sentence* – She was bewildered by his decision.

Day - 55 

*Thought for the day*
"The harder the battle, the more impressive the victory."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Addict*-to cause to become dependent

*✒️Sentence*- My nephew is a complete video game addict.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Tragedy*-an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

*✒️ Sentence* – Her son's death was a terrible tragedy.           

Day - 56 

*Thought for the day*
"Every next level of your life demand a stronger you."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Lavish*-very generous

*✒️Sentence*- They lived a very lavish lifestyle.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Accelerate*-move faster

*✒️ Sentence* – Our country should accelerate the economic growth.

Day - 57  

*Thought for the day*
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹Irate*- feeling or showing extreme anger

*✒️Sentence*- We have received some irate phone calls from customers.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Annihilate*-kill in large numbers

*✒️ Sentence* – Our soldiers annihilated a force of five hundred enemy troops.

Day - 58  

*Thought for the day*
" A journey of thousand miles begins with a first step."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Loath*-strongly opposed

*✒️Sentence*- He was loath to admit his mistake

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Affluent*- possessing a great deal of money.

*✒️ Sentence* – He was born into an affluent family.

Day - 59 
*Thought for the day*
" If you act to be happy, you will be happy."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹Prior*-earlier in time

*✒️Sentence*- I saw him prior to leaving.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Peevish*-easily irritated or annoyed

*✒️ Sentence* – The kids were peevish after so long in the car.

Day - 60  

*Thought for the day*
" Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹Cater*-give what is desired or needed

*✒️Sentence*- Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Unscathed*-not injured

*✒️ Sentence* – He escaped unscathed from the accident.

Day - 61 

*Thought for the day*
“ A grateful heart is a magnet of miracles."

*Classes (3-5)*

*🔹 Crunk*-very excited or full of energy

*✒️Sentence*- I was very crunk when I woke up in the morning.

*Classes (6-8)*

*🔸 Shutterbug*- a person who likes to take lot of photograph

*✒️ Sentence* – A shutterbug pursues photography as a hobby.





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